17. April 2024 Service-Learning for Democracy in Europe

Focus webinar: Practical Tools and Methods for Service-Learning II (Webinar 9)

The webinar will feature an interactive Q&A session, emphasising the key takeaways from Webinar 8 – Practical Tools and Methods for Service-Learning (S-L) I.

You will engage in discussions about your experiences applying these tools within your working contexts and get to know other novel methods for promoting and implementing S-L. In the second part of the webinar, you will reflect on your own learning journeys within S-L projects and also evaluate S-L project outcomes. The session will also address several tools for evaluating community involvement, along with strategies for celebrating achievements and disseminating project results. Within breakout sessions, you will explore concrete examples and exchange insights, fostering the sharing of best practices. Finally, the webinar will conclude with practical recommendations aimed at enhancing your understanding and application of S-L methodology.

(Webinar 9 is part of Module 3)

Was: Focus webinar des online Trainings « Service-Learning for Democracy in Europe. Supporting Teachers in Applying Democratic Competences Models »
Wann: Mittwoch, 17. April 2024, 16:00 - 18.00 Uhr
Wie: Die kostenlose Fortbildung findet auf Englisch statt und wird in Kooperation mit verschiedenen europäischen Partnern im Rahmen des Erasmus+ Programms durchgeführt.
Wer: Für alle an LdE interessierte Menschen an Schule

Anmeldung bis 10. Januar 2024 unter: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSeZ72RHQtXjr4FEdocttGTOqY_CKFmAXagDNfW7HUfI2D_R8A/viewform

Alle Infos zum online Training finden Sie hier: https://slead-europe.eu/training/

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