31. Januar 2024 Service-Learning for Democracy in Europe

Focus webinar: Supporting Service-Learning as a School Leader (Webinar 5 )

The webinar is directed at school leaders and management staff, aiming to aid in integrating Service-Learning (S-L) as a pivotal tool for school development.

The theoretical framework of leadership and democratic school development will be highlighted, supported by current research findings. Additionally, exemplary practices from diverse European countries will be showcased to illustrate successful implementations. Subsequently, you will engage in self-reflection concerning your leadership roles, democratic schooling, and civic engagement. Through breakout sessions, you will collaboratively share your visions for leveraging S-L for school development. These sessions will also serve as a forum to discuss specific needs for further support.

(Webinar 5 is part of Module 3)

Was: Online Training « Service-Learning for Democracy in Europe. Supporting Teachers in Applying Democratic Competences Models »
Wann: Mittwoch, 31. Januar 2024, 16:00 - 18.00 Uhr
Wie: Die kostenlose Fortbildung findet auf Englisch statt und wird in Kooperation mit verschiedenen europäischen Partnern im Rahmen des Erasmus+ Programms durchgeführt.
Wer: Für alle an LdE interessierte Menschen an Schule

Anmeldung bis 10. Januar 2024 unter: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSeZ72RHQtXjr4FEdocttGTOqY_CKFmAXagDNfW7HUfI2D_R8A/viewform

Alle Infos zum online Training finden Sie hier: https://slead-europe.eu/training/

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